March 14, 2025
Ultimate Gujarat
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National Innovation Foundation-India Marks 25Years of Grassroots Innovation

Gujarat, Ahmedabad 03 March 2025: The National Innovation Foundation (NIF) – India, an autonomous organisation of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, commenced its two-day Silver Jubilee celebrations at Science City, Ahmedabad. The event brought together eminent dignitaries, policymakers, scientists, and grassroots innovators to commemorate 25 years of frugal innovation across the nation.

The inaugural session on March 01, 2025 was graced by Chief Guest Dr. V S Ramamurthy, Former Secretary, DST, Government of India; Guest of Honour Dr. T Ramasami, Former Secretary, DST, Government of India; and Special Guest Prof. Anil K Gupta, Visiting Professor at IIMA, IITB, and AcSIR, and Founder of SRISTI, GIAN, and NIF. Also present were Dr. Arvind C Ranade, Director, NIF, and Dr. Vipin Kumar, Chief Scientist and Former Director, NIF.

In his welcome address, Dr. Arvind C Ranade encapsulated NIF’s 25-year journey, highlighting its contributions in scouting, value addition, research and development, intellectual property rights protection, business development, and social diffusion.

Dr. T Ramasami highlighted NIF’s unparalleled role in reaching the unreached, likening its impact to Lord Hanuman’s ability to bridge gaps. He complemented NIF for nurturing grassroots innovations and achieving remarkable outcomes with minimal resources.

Dr.VSRamamurthyrecountedtheearlychallenges ofinstitutionalizingNIF,emphasizingits distinct vision that set it apart. He lauded NIF’s success in demonstrating that wisdom and determination transcend academic credentials, making it a unique institution that brings the government closer to the people.

Speaking on the occasion, Prof. Anil K Gupta reflected on NIF’s journey, emphasizing the importanceoffrugalityandtheselfless contributions thatshapedits foundation.He suggested encouraging successful innovators to mentor and support fellow grassroots innovators.

Dr. Vipin Kumar, in his vote of thanks, acknowledged the invaluable contributions of all stakeholders and the unwavering support of the administrative ministry.

Theeventalsofeaturedsignificantmilestones, including:

  • TheunveilingofNIF’sSilverJubileelogo,symbolizingitsjourneyofinclusive
  • ThereleaseofaSilverJubileedocumentaryfilm,chroniclingNIF’sjourneyand
  • The launchof ‘InnovationFrontline,’NIF’sbi-monthlynewsletter,toshare insights on emerging innovations.

Theexhibitiondisplaying grassroots innovationsfromacrossIndia, spanningvariousdomains ofscience and technologywitnessed good footfall.Theexhibition isopenforvisitorsforboth the days, 1 – 2 March 2025.

Seconddayofthecelebrationstartedwithatechnicalsessionreflectinginstitution’sremarkable journeyanditsroadmapforfuturecollaborationsandscale-upeffortsingrassrootsinnovation. The session was chaired by Dr. Arvind C. Ranade, Director, NIF-India. The same theme continued in the second session. Dr. Vipin Kumar chaired the second session.

The valedictory session of NIF’s Silver Jubilee celebrations encompassed release of postal stamp and special envelope, a Coffee Table Book “25 Years of Innovation – Celebrating Grassroots Creativity”, and the Bimonthly Magazine “Innovation Frontline” (Hindi version). Onthishistoricoccasion,theChiefGuestwasDr.JitendraSingh,Hon’bleMinisterofScience & Technology (Independent Charge), Govt of India, and Guest of Honor, was Shri Jagadish Vishwakarma, Hon’ble Minister of MSME (State), Govt of Gujarat. Other dignitaries present on the occasion were Prof. Anil Sahasrabuddhe, Chairperson, NIF, NETF and NBA; Dr. Gulshan Rai, Chairman, NIFientreC; Shri Krishna Kumar Yadav, Chief Post Master General, Ahmedabad and Dr. Arvind C. Ranade, Director, NIF.

Speakingon the occasion Dr. JitendraSingh said that knowledge deeplyrooted in the country NIFisensuringthatInnovationsatthegrassrootslevelisharnessedtothebestextentpossible. Under the able leadership of Prime Minister Modi, grassroots Innovators are getting recognition. Padmashree awards to so many Innovators is one example. In the most recent edition of Mann ki Baat, Prime Minister Modi hailed the importance of Science for common peopleofthecountry.HealsoappreciatedspecificinitiativesofNIFlikeMVIFtoproviderisk capital,whichisaheadoftime,andalsotheestablishingofNIFientreC,theTechnologyBudget Incubator hosted by NIF. He expressed optimism that in coming years we will witness large numberofgrassrootsinnovationbasedstart-upsthroughworkofNIFwhichisveryuniqueand focus on individual’s work. He mentioned that under the leadership of PM Modi he has the confidence to give an assurance to common people of the country on greater access to innovativetechnologies.CriticalsectorslikeSpaceandNuclearEnergyhaveintroducedsome reforms for first time ever so as to benefit the country. Shri Jagadish Vishwakarma, in his speech congratulated NIF for its efforts in nurturing Grassroots Innovations.

Seven Padmashri awardees fondlyshared their great experience while receiving support from NIF for several years in various forms.

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